
…I think. My shipment of ThinMints arrived today, and I’ve been spreading them around the office as fast as I can, because otherwise I’m going to eat them all right now. As it is I’ve already had five! Stop me before I nosh again…


I don’t know what I did to anger the travel gods, but both ends of this trip were arduous. Yesterday I was on a two leg flight: LA to Chicago and then on to La Guardia. At leg one I was part of the longest line for security I have ever seen. It moved quickly but the disorganization was anxiety provoking. I arrived in O’Hare to find my second flight canceled as part of the nationwide snowstorm crisis. So it was wait on standby for the three remaining flights which each had standby lists of over fifty. So it was no go, and I was in the airport from three pm until six am this morning, when I finally got on a flight. I did some sleeping on the floor, some passing in and out of consciousness on the plane and then finally got back home. I’m crawling back to normalcy after napping here, but my sleep is all screwed up.


It’s funny the resistance I have to writing my posts beforehand. Even though the interface isn’t all that friendly, and I don’t have a client loaded on this laptop, I’d rather write on the lj post page than use my word processor. Well this is a little attempt to overcome that resistance.

Yesterday was another sunny day out here. I got into see my friend Kim Anno’s panel on shifting abstraction in the morning. After it ended, I ran into Prof Ray K. who is, I gotta say – so very cute ( sorry about the objectification, Ray) and who made the astute remark that on the whole, the attendees of CAA are not the most prepossessing bunch. It’s sadly true, I’ve seen many more downtown bums on this trip who have turned my head than conference goers. That being said, it has been wonderful to connect with so many pals at CAA. It feels like a part of my life that has fallen by the wayside a bit.


In the afternoon I ditched to meet up with the Dave White, who braved the pain of his surgical recovery to take me first to a great Mexican place in Silverlake for lunch and then a couple of doors down to a little thrift store that reminded me of how terribly picked over all the places in New York are. I managed to get out the door with only a couple of purchases, luckily. And then I gave him a mission: trusting to his impeccable taste I told him to take me to Amoeba and “metal me up” unfortunately, I didn’t get to meet Extreem Aaron, nor Alonzo who had work related stress disorder, but I did get to have the great experience of sitting in the store while Dave said, yeah you should have this , yeah this too. I was ready to splurge on a Plasmatics T-shirt but the cashier couldn’t figure out how to get one and it was getting late. Now when I get home I get to experience the blissful brutality as I ponder the futility of all things not metal.

There’s another weird thing: I’m traveling around without any sort of disc playback device. CDs have become just the thing I carry the music home on, before I rip them to my hard drive: a software delivery system.


Free wifi is scarce on the ground here so I can’t really spend time looking through LJ. It’ll be hit and run posts for the most part, written while i sit in the hotel lobby with the chatty barista. I’ll post a picture of what the inside of the academic art world looks like, but for now I’ll say that I am once again confounded by the distances of LA. Practically everything sprawls out of control. It’s a four block walk from on e end of the convention center to another, which is pretty damn funny to think about but not to experience.


So made it into LA last night despite some boneheaded maneuvers on my part. I’ve managed to work out Saturday accommodations, so thanks to all the people who offered. The hotel I’m staying in is a little funky, but good value for the money.


This is the font page story in both the News and the Post, but the News had a much better headline. Next up: TV Ape Goes Hawaiian!

Yesterday in the car, it was proved that I know some very funny people with great ideas.

Last night, I caught up on this week’s Flight of the Conchords, which is also making me laugh a lot.


No Friday the 13th tattoo today, for important reasons. Instead heres a picture of the can in the bus to DC. There was wifi on the bus, but for some reason its TOS wouldn’t let me log on to photobucket. One more bbit of wackiness in an overwhelmingly wacky day.

Too tired to worry about the implications of it all now.


I used to get my salad here. Like, last week.

Further evidence of economic downturn: this storefront on Fifth Fucking Avenue and 43rd Street used to house a Cafe Europa, part of a Deli chain that’s all around midtown. Two doors down from it is a Jam Paper store that is also going out of business. Across the street is a Circuit City that is shuttering its doors after slightly more than a year of operation.

I’m shocked about the cafe because you have to ask how hard is it to sustain a business model of selling office workers lunch? Are that many people brown bagging it now?

It’s starting to feel like the Seventies again around here.


For no good reason I’m thinking about people who settle scores. Well, not for no reason. I’m thinking about a non-lj friend, who, having endured a break-up years ago, is still seeking an explanation from his ex. This is a person whose work touches on themes of social justice and activism, and when I talk to him, the parting still looms large. We tend to think about this as wanting closure, but what he really wants is a just outcome. He wants both he and his ex to come to an understanding about their break-up that would be reasonable not only to them but to outside parties. When he wistfully asks me about what his ex is doing, or talks about wanting to hear from them, it never has anything to do with a nostalgia for the times when they were together. I don’t hear the longing for love, I just hear them saying “unfair, unfair, unfair…” Walking Lehigh tonight I thought that it isn’t possible to achieve justice on that level, between individuals. Perhaps we could if we returned to dueling. We could demand satisfaction and declare when we had received it.

And my friend’s approach to previous relationships makes wonder what they are expecting when they talk to me about finding someone new. Score settlers are are usually score keepers, and I can’t see how that bodes well for sustained romance.