Swag and such…

At last! A logo to slap on all sorts of cheesy crap er, low budget collectables.

Get your Nayland Blake tie in merch at:http://www.cafeshops.com/naylandblake

and don’t hate me


  1. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.

    I think you should augment this list with an invisible bunny rabbit flying disk.

  2. I swear — I’m gonna have to get a FURR logo done up, because I’m thinking of gathering all my old porno, writing some new stuff (excluding the interactive fiction piece πŸ˜‰ and CafePress-ing a book of bearporn — and while I’m at it, why the hell not serve up a boatload of schwag to go with it, so people can proudly announce to the world what fuckin’ perverts they are? πŸ™‚

    (Gotta do the boxers so people can send ’em back to me all piss and cumstained. πŸ˜‰

  3. I just looked into opening a SuperTan Emporium at this site a few weeks ago. I signed up for the store…but I need a SuperTan logo…have any ideas Nayland? And it’s too bad they don;t have ashtrays…

  4. I would think that with all the design bears we have on lj they’d be falling over each other to develop a SuperTan logo! We’ll have to stage a design competition. And any serious smoker would just use the lunchbox as an ashtray! I’d like for them to do those little dayglow plastic guitarpic shaped keyrings.

  5. check two posts back for image of me in a bunny suit from my video installation “starting over”. I don’t wear it with half of the flare you do, though.

  6. I would think that with all the design bears we have on lj they’d be falling over each other to develop a SuperTan logo! We’ll have to stage a design competition. And any serious smoker would just use the lunchbox as an ashtray! I’d like for them to do those little dayglow plastic guitarpic shaped keyrings.

  7. I’m also of the mind that you should have incorporated your LJ userpics into the merchandise.

    The frisbee is especially amusing. But you know the lunchbox is what I really crave. Perhaps this will be a venue in which to market the Nayland Blake action figure once it is produced.

    Anyway, as of yesterday I own my first Nayland Blake Original (TM): a Hot Ash T-shirt received from Tony in exchange for emergency transportation from NJ for FSE.

    Missed you this weekend. Hope Baltimore was rewarding in more ways than the pecuniary. And where was yesterday?!

  8. Unfortunately I can’t come out to SF this weekend, because I have to start my annual July teaching gig at Bard College on Saturday. I’ll have to rely on you to give me the report!

  9. Unfortunately I can’t come out to SF this weekend, because I have to start my annual July teaching gig at Bard College on Saturday. I’ll have to rely on you to give me the report!

  10. None of the little bunny from your works at queer-arts.org?? πŸ˜‰

    That’s what I know you for – well, that and having a certain artist (let’s call him AAB, for a General Idea…) say you were quite a nice looking Bearish fella. I’d have to concur…(I’m paraphrasing a bit…). Anyway, nice to see you have a live journal…I linked that queer arts page on my page at http://www.geocities.com/ponyboyzine/linkpage.htm (for the main page, lose the /linkpage.htm, natch).

  11. Thanks for the link! That’s very august company that I’m in! and if you browse back through this journal you’ll find some more photos of recent shows. I’m working on getting a web site together to feature all of the work.and I look forward to finding out more about you.

  12. Oh, dear. Solving the mystery of me. I’ve had 37 years to work on THAT one… πŸ˜‰ I was looking at your lunchbox, etc. stuff – I’ll have to look deeper for other stuff, then. πŸ™‚

  13. Thanks for the link! That’s very august company that I’m in! and if you browse back through this journal you’ll find some more photos of recent shows. I’m working on getting a web site together to feature all of the work.and I look forward to finding out more about you.

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