Occasionally I’ve got stuff that is available for purchase for one reason or another: rarely original work, but multiples and publications You can find links to all of that here.

A few years back I designed this T-shirt for myself and enough people liked it that I made it available through TeeSpring. You can pick it up there for $20 US. If you do, I’d love to see a picture of you wearing it.

Catalog for my mid-career show at Location One: full color, print on demand, $40 US.

In 2015 I collaborated with Jeffrey Costello and Robert Tagliapietra to create Cuddle Buddy, a stuffed doll self portrait edition to benefit The Fire Island Artists Residency. It comes with a custom dress and the pattern is based on the Raggedy Anne dolls that my mother made for additional income when I was growing up. I used to help her with the yarn for Anne’s hair and the yarn on this doll comes from Robert’s mom, so it’s extra snuggly.