Yesterday was pensive, and sobering. Today is bed, and tv – Halloween marathons on many stations -so cheap horror abounds. And yet I have to haul myself out and get on with some chores -poke my slothful self into a semblance of achievement.
Yesterday was pensive, and sobering. Today is bed, and tv – Halloween marathons on many stations -so cheap horror abounds. And yet I have to haul myself out and get on with some chores -poke my slothful self into a semblance of achievement.
achievement is over-rated.
achievement is over-rated.
Guess what rhymes with chores? MORE CHORES!
Chores schmores—it’s the weekend! A holiday weekend! Go out and have fun!
Guess what rhymes with chores? MORE CHORES!
Chores schmores—it’s the weekend! A holiday weekend! Go out and have fun!
“And yet I have to haul myself out and get on with some chores -poke my slothful self into a semblance of achievement.”
I hear this. Same here – my apartment is a disaster. I just haven’t been able to find the motivation lately to DO anything about it.
“And yet I have to haul myself out and get on with some chores -poke my slothful self into a semblance of achievement.”
I hear this. Same here – my apartment is a disaster. I just haven’t been able to find the motivation lately to DO anything about it.
Mmmm. Cheap horror – my favorite!
Unfortunately has a low tolerance for scary movies, so instead we’re watching Slacker on Trio. John keeps on chuckling when it shows scenes and people he knows from his own Austin days in the 90s.
Sometimes I miss my own slacker days here in Seattle. But it’s not the early 90s anymore, and I’m not 28 anymore, and I’m no longer quite as able to believe that the future will just take care of itself without at least some effort on my part. Fucking responsibility…
Mmmm. Cheap horror – my favorite!
Unfortunately has a low tolerance for scary movies, so instead we’re watching Slacker on Trio. John keeps on chuckling when it shows scenes and people he knows from his own Austin days in the 90s.
Sometimes I miss my own slacker days here in Seattle. But it’s not the early 90s anymore, and I’m not 28 anymore, and I’m no longer quite as able to believe that the future will just take care of itself without at least some effort on my part. Fucking responsibility…
When you get tuckered out, call me over and I’ll come tuck you in.
When you get tuckered out, call me over and I’ll come tuck you in.
Did somebody say poke?
Did somebody say poke?
Our toronto haloween
Me and tony, got dressed up, went out, enjoyed a cigar, got our pitcure taken a few times, and generally had a nice evening, complete with a muffin for me and coffee cake for tony.
Our toronto haloween
Me and tony, got dressed up, went out, enjoyed a cigar, got our pitcure taken a few times, and generally had a nice evening, complete with a muffin for me and coffee cake for tony.