Many of you who know me also met my dog Lehigh. We’ve shared the past eleven years or so, and she has been a boon companion for all that time, even when she chewed stuff she shouldn’t have.
Unfortunately, two weeks ago her health started to rapidly deteriorate, and this morning it became clear that she was suffering and my mother and I made the difficult decision to end her life. I’m so grateful for the time I had with her, and the care and compassion my mother showed her, and the friendship that so many of my friends shared with her.
I’m sorry for your loss.
My condolences on your loss.
I’m very sorry to hear this. She was a wonderful dog with a lot of character.
Thanks so much, Adrian. And thank you for being willing to let her live in the apartment. When you were heading out yesterday, I ran out to grab you so you could say goodbye, but you had already gone.