…to piss off greasybiker and thornyc:
The Hierophant often represents learning with experts or knowledgeable teachers. This card also stands for institutions and their values. The Hierophant is a symbol of the need to conform to rules or fixed situations. His appearance in a reading can show that you are struggling with a force that is not innovative, free-spirited or individual. Groups can be enriching or stifling, depending on circumstances. Sometimes we need to follow a program or embrace tradition, other times, we need to trust ourselves. For a full description of your card and other goodies, please visit LearnTarot.com |
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A purely wishy-washy explanation of the card. However I did spend today feeling alternately enriched and stifled by groups, so it was nice to have that pointed out. My own feeling about tarot is that is not useful for prognostication, but rather as an interpretive grid to throw over one’s current experience. SInce much of reading the cards can be a process of developing a narrative amid a group of conflicting signals, thinking about which narrative one chooses can reveal what’s happening in the subconscious. So, my finding the references to groups and authority resonant tells me something about what my unarticulated concerns may be about my day to day.
The Hermit often suggests a need for time alone – a period of reflection when distractions are limited. In times of action and high energy, he stands for the still center that must be created for balance. He can also indicate that withdrawal or retreat is advised for the moment. In addition, the Hermit can represent seeking of all kinds, especially for deeper understanding or the truth of a situation. “Seek, and ye shall find,” we have been told, and so the Hermit stands for guidance as well. We can receive help from wise teachers, and, in turn, help others as we progress.
For a full description of your card and other goodies, please visit LearnTarot.com
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So what do you think? accurate or no? I think deriving the card soley from one’s birthday is a bit iffy.
Why do you think that this would piss me off?
Granted, I think stuff like tarot and astrology is completely pointless — but it’s your lifespan to waste on such things if that’s your choice.
The World
I am a co-production of NPR and the BBC….
The World represents the moments when we feel fulfilled and blessed and all that goes into them. It is a very positive sign that you are in a position to realize your heart’s desire. What that is for you depends on the situation, but it will always feel great. Remember, though, that Card 21 is a symbol of active contribution and service. To hold the World in our hands, we must give of ourselves to it. That is the source of true happiness.
For a full description of your card and other goodies, please visit LearnTarot.com
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The World is brought to you by… Pfizer!
‘nuf said!
You’re the world to me, bub!
So what do you think? accurate or no? I think deriving the card soley from one’s birthday is a bit iffy.
Actually, I have always identified with this card, so it seems about right:
The Fool can signal a new beginning or change of direction – one that will guide you onto a path of adventure, wonder and personal growth. He also reminds you to keep your faith and trust your natural responses. If you are facing a decision or moment of doubt, the Fool tells you to believe in yourself and follow your heart no matter how crazy or foolish your impulses may seem.
The Fool also frequently messes up the numbers he inputs into forms. Maybe you should try it again…
For a full description of your card and other goodies, please visit LearnTarot.com
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I am the one who always jumps in the deep end of the pool. As you said, their write-up on the card is about the most wishy-washy I have ever seen… all of them are rich, but you wouldn’t know it from these readings.
‘nuf said!
You’re the world to me, bub!
Aaargh! I have the same card as you. Let’s elope.
As tempted as I am, I seem to remember you proposing to someone else just last week. What a fickle flirt you are!
I’m not surprised that you got this card though.
Well, I’ve often been accused of being a hermit, so it seems apt somehow.
I just noticed your music of choice, Nayland. Nice to know someone remembers ESG (heck – I have their COMEBACK cd…).
As tempted as I am, I seem to remember you proposing to someone else just last week. What a fickle flirt you are!
I’m not surprised that you got this card though.
I did this some months ago (no, I don’t feel like trawling through my old posts to find it), and I got The Fool. Which, given my usual self-deprecating nature, I interpreted as some sort of backhanded commentary. «What do they mean by that?» ;-{)>
I ended up being the Fool — which is appropriate, I guess, since it wasn’t until after I’d done it that I remembered I’d already gotten results prior and posted them to my journal. New beginnings, my ass!
I wish I could claim to be an ESG fan of long standing, but I’m a relatively new convert. I remember not realy being so fond of them at the time.
I wish I could claim to be an ESG fan of long standing, but I’m a relatively new convert. I remember not realy being so fond of them at the time.
Well, I never heard them back then – I’m not quite old enough to have. 😉 I first heard ESG around the time the South Bronx Story 2xlp came out (I’d heard OF them some years before that, though).