1. Rrrrrrr? Why troll for secret crush validation, Mr. Blake, when there is so much overt, obvious interest in you splattered all over LJ? Isn’t it obvious to you that men drool over your wit, your god-like good looks (Moses, Poseidon, Zeus, Nayland) and your ravishing sensuality?

    It’s plain as the rabbit in front of your face, if you ask me.

  2. See this is the problem with that site, now that I’ve experienced it -of course you’ve made your intentions known – much to my delight in fact -but the site only tells you if you have a secret crush that also has a secret crush on you. It should tell you how many folks have secret crushes without revealing their names – I’d just be gla to know that someone had one without having to know who it was. And I feel like those folks I mentioned who haven’t mentioned me don’t get the benefit of knowing that someone is having lustful thoughts about them, perhaps even some one they don’t even know.

  3. See this is the problem with that site, now that I’ve experienced it -of course you’ve made your intentions known – much to my delight in fact -but the site only tells you if you have a secret crush that also has a secret crush on you. It should tell you how many folks have secret crushes without revealing their names – I’d just be gla to know that someone had one without having to know who it was. And I feel like those folks I mentioned who haven’t mentioned me don’t get the benefit of knowing that someone is having lustful thoughts about them, perhaps even some one they don’t even know.

  4. Re: Once I Had A Secret Love…

    Ok, I admit it. I really want to be topped by half a dozen dyed pastel poodles.
    Wait! Isn’t that Aqua one Billy Barty in a dog suit? Well, I’ve always wanted him to ball me too.

  5. Re: Once I Had A Secret Love…

    Ok, I admit it. I really want to be topped by half a dozen dyed pastel poodles.
    Wait! Isn’t that Aqua one Billy Barty in a dog suit? Well, I’ve always wanted him to ball me too.

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