1. Tramps like who???

    How’s this for a tangent:

    My heart sank a little when I heard that Springsteen was out as Kerry shill during the final days of the campaign (is there really no one on staff under the age of 55, who would know how fogey-ish that move was?), but I was really dismayed when NPR played a clip of him drawling “git yer Maw, git yer Paw, yer Grandmaw, git em to vote…” I mean come on! Newark is NORTH of Staten Island fercrissakes, and he was slathering on the folksiness like he had a cheek full of corn pone and back fat. Someone should remind him he has a lot more in common with Woody Allen than Woody Guthrie.

  2. Tramps like who???

    How’s this for a tangent:

    My heart sank a little when I heard that Springsteen was out as Kerry shill during the final days of the campaign (is there really no one on staff under the age of 55, who would know how fogey-ish that move was?), but I was really dismayed when NPR played a clip of him drawling “git yer Maw, git yer Paw, yer Grandmaw, git em to vote…” I mean come on! Newark is NORTH of Staten Island fercrissakes, and he was slathering on the folksiness like he had a cheek full of corn pone and back fat. Someone should remind him he has a lot more in common with Woody Allen than Woody Guthrie.

  3. Yes, it certainly is big.

    So while firing up photoshop to resize it, I scrolled around my browser window to “explore.”

    It’s more interesting that way, when you just see part of the image. Rolling over it, like a map or a landscape. All mood, perhaps a bit of tension–and with the increased canvas, quite painterly.

    So I resized it, and immediately discarded it.

    Sometimes bigger is better.

  4. Yes, it certainly is big.

    So while firing up photoshop to resize it, I scrolled around my browser window to “explore.”

    It’s more interesting that way, when you just see part of the image. Rolling over it, like a map or a landscape. All mood, perhaps a bit of tension–and with the increased canvas, quite painterly.

    So I resized it, and immediately discarded it.

    Sometimes bigger is better.

  5. Tramps like who???

    How’s this for a tangent:

    My heart sank a little when I heard that Springsteen was out as Kerry shill during the final days of the campaign (is there really no one on staff under the age of 55, who would know how fogey-ish that move was?), but I was really dismayed when NPR played a clip of him drawling “git yer Maw, git yer Paw, yer Grandmaw, git em to vote…” I mean come on! Newark is NORTH of Staten Island fercrissakes, and he was slathering on the folksiness like he had a cheek full of corn pone and back fat. Someone should remind him he has a lot more in common with Woody Allen than Woody Guthrie.

  6. Re: Tramps like who???

    I mean come on! Newark is NORTH of Staten Island fercrissakes, and he was slathering on the folksiness like he had a cheek full of corn pone and back fat. Someone should remind him he has a lot more in common with Woody Allen than Woody Guthrie.

    That sorta talk never goes over well chez moi, where my man is as convinced as everyone of Bruce’s ultra-sincerity. I hear his voice and think “put-on,” but that’s not common. He’s got ’em fooled.

    Though I do find it positive that he’s “taken back the night” from Reagan in this way, from the bad old 80s.

  7. Re: Tramps like who???

    I mean come on! Newark is NORTH of Staten Island fercrissakes, and he was slathering on the folksiness like he had a cheek full of corn pone and back fat. Someone should remind him he has a lot more in common with Woody Allen than Woody Guthrie.

    That sorta talk never goes over well chez moi, where my man is as convinced as everyone of Bruce’s ultra-sincerity. I hear his voice and think “put-on,” but that’s not common. He’s got ’em fooled.

    Though I do find it positive that he’s “taken back the night” from Reagan in this way, from the bad old 80s.

  8. I’m suprised no one has noted the resemblance to a close up of Vermeer, Rembrandt or the other Dutch Masters.

    (And the double-entendre of ‘Dutch Masters’ doesn’t escape me, either.)

  9. I’m suprised no one has noted the resemblance to a close up of Vermeer, Rembrandt or the other Dutch Masters.

    (And the double-entendre of ‘Dutch Masters’ doesn’t escape me, either.)

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