i use KMS Curl Up Curling Balm. its not meant for people with straight hair. it tames curls and keeps them looking good without being a gel.
For a cheaper version of Curl up, find Got 2 B and look for their “Defining Curl Creme”. it cuts the frizz and smells like pineapple and isnt a gel so your hair doesnt get all hard.
And condition the crap out of your hair. i dont shampoo a lot but i condition daily. Aveda Shampure.
Ich bin verliebt in deinen Leib,
Dein Leib ist weiß wie die Lilien
auf einem Felde,
von der Sichel nie berührt.
Dein Leib ist weiß
wie der Schnee
auf den Bergen Judäas.
Die Rosen im Garten
von Arabiens Königin
sind nicht so weiß wie dein Leib,
nicht die Rosen
im Garten der Königin,
nicht die Füße der Dämmerung
auf den Blättern,
nicht die Brüste des Mondes
auf dem Meere.
Nichts in der Welt ist so weiß wie
dein Leib.
Laß mich ihn berühren deinen Leib.
Damn! that was fast!!!!
Beautiful, just beautiful..
I’m getting a very John the Baptist feel out of these!
your hair is getting so long. its like Samson.
need curly product tips? 🙂
Magnificent! If and especially, the beard is co-categorized as “hair is officially long” even better, as far as I’m concerned.
I approve! ☺
I wish I could grow my hair out like you have – unfortunately as I slowly go bald it doesn’t lend itself to length. These photos are great.
Here’s the story of a man named Nayland….
Those three pictures make me think of the Brady Bunch for some reason.
I like it.
I love the center pic!
Is the sock animal jumping, or being pushed?
nice beard
You look like an Old Testament prophet from the Sistine Chapel 😉
Grrr 🙂
Now do we get to see how long it will get? :-{)##]
Definitely long. I just had mine cut and it is definitely short – on the sides at least.
Re: Beautiful, just beautiful..
Coming from hot stuff like yourself, that’s quite a compliment.
Since your hair is always looking very lusterous in your photos, I’d be glad to have tips.
Seeing that belly makes me want to bite it.
It’s just part of the general love pile on the shelf.
Given that I have a bald spot on my crown I think this is the last chance I have to grow it out.
And your the guy who would know! If it’s not too personal, I know that your pic is from a while ago – is your hair the same length still? or longer?
Meaning am I going to keep going? For the present , yes.
Re: nice beard
I’m feeling very holy!
Why, thank you.
It’s pretty much the same length. Unfortunately, my genes aren’t qualified to make longer hair. 🙁
I would love to run my fingers gently through your hair one day.
i use KMS Curl Up Curling Balm. its not meant for people with straight hair. it tames curls and keeps them looking good without being a gel.

For a cheaper version of Curl up, find Got 2 B and look for their “Defining Curl Creme”. it cuts the frizz and smells like pineapple and isnt a gel so your hair doesnt get all hard.

And condition the crap out of your hair. i dont shampoo a lot but i condition daily. Aveda Shampure.
Re: Beautiful, just beautiful..
Very Cryptic Triptych.
Ich bin verliebt in deinen Leib,
Dein Leib ist weiß wie die Lilien
auf einem Felde,
von der Sichel nie berührt.
Dein Leib ist weiß
wie der Schnee
auf den Bergen Judäas.
Die Rosen im Garten
von Arabiens Königin
sind nicht so weiß wie dein Leib,
nicht die Rosen
im Garten der Königin,
nicht die Füße der Dämmerung
auf den Blättern,
nicht die Brüste des Mondes
auf dem Meere.
Nichts in der Welt ist so weiß wie
dein Leib.
Laß mich ihn berühren deinen Leib.
Nice. Very nice. ;X)
very nice
Re: Beautiful, just beautiful..
Back off babe – I’m nobody’s blue plate special!
Re: Beautiful, just beautiful..
Silver plattter, Schatzi, silver platter.
L-R: Anvil. Rasputin. Madonna.
It’s not you. It’s Cindy Sherman.
“I hope to see you again, Judah Ben-Hur!”
In the middle picture, you’re throwing down a great Hugh Griffith.
Be still, my swollen hard!
Got kind of a Hagrid thing going on. 🙂
Ya know, I’m not one for long beards or long hair, but on you Mister artist man, it totally is da bomb.
My beard is now about the same as yours.
I was trying to glower like you.
Re: “I hope to see you again, Judah Ben-Hur!”
grrr grrr grrr!
Darn! I was going for Allan Sherman!
And vice versa!
I’m sure it’s sassy!
When is it going to grow it out to reach around the level of your bum?
Damm I’ve got to go and clean the keyboard thanks to you
It looks great.
Hell – you look great.
you continue to taunt me and stoke the flames of my lust. i hex you now.
Given the rate it grows, probably about ten years from now!
Don’t clean it! save it for me!
I’m trying!
Aw thanks guy.
Wait til you see my implants!
I love you!