In my dream my humiliation has led me to a flirtatious battle of wits with a foppish aristocrat as he dresses: “And when you are a child? Absolutely no one likes you.” He slips his gloves on.
Me when they play my jam

In my dream
In my dream Nikki Minaj hands me her phone so I can look something up for her. It is absurdly small and flexible, like a piece of leather.
In my dream
In my dream I head up to the top floor in an old elevator to find the ramshackle studio of an artist. I envy his weathered desk, the lumpy rich work he has scattered around the dim room. As we talk, I start to love him.
In my dream
In my dream: sorting in a hallway.
Me when they play my jam

In my dream
In my dream the museum’s new wings are barely lit and my eyes have become so bad that I stumble through the exhibits, calling for help as a man howls and runs through the rooms of fossils and brocade.
Me when they play my jam

In my dream
In my dream a round of checking through all of the club’s lockers reveals nothing: I shouldn’t have shoved my video camera into a duffle and then put it in a locker and walked off yesterday.
Me when they play my jam

In my dream
In my dream there is one sentence in the dark: “We are a typical two-inch davenport:everyone dislikes us.”
Me when they play my jam

In my dream
In my dream my bottom teeth are unaligned and small groups of rats are debating whether or not to eat humans.
Me when they play my jam

In my dream
In my dream he hands me a folded bunch of new yellow bills. At least a third of them feel fake.
Me when they play my jam

In my dream
In my dream the play week is wrapping up and I feel replete. As I swim up to the surface of the pool I see one of our alligators hit the other one over the head with a bucket.
Me when they play my jam

Me when they play my jam

In my dream
In my dream I hold a risograph book of sketches in olive and black. I scan the essay in the back, trying to determine whether or not the artist is queer, knowing I’ll be disappointed if they aren’t.