A subway pleasure….

Number of people in my car on the Q train last night at appx.8 pm: 37
Number of them reading: 30
Number of them reading books: 22

I found it immensely comforting and it made me put away my copy of The New York Sun
 , and take out my new copy of James Mann’s Rise of the Vulcans so that I could join the 10 other folks reading hard covers.

PS The breakdown on readers (non-book) was as follows: 5 magazine, 3 newspaper


  1. I wonder if they knew you were staring at them and enumerating them for such lofty, intellectual reasons. Some probably got their hopes up that you were cruising them!

    I like your new icon, by the way.

    : )

  2. Oh I did all my counting quite furtively, in acceptable New York fashion. Believe me, with my technique if I was cruising you, would never be able to tell. I just found those numbers interesting since we down here keep hearing about declining literacy in America.
    Glad you like the new icon!

  3. Thanks! I made it with my little photoshop and a bunch of clip art from Dover Books.

    And actually I’d be pretty darn nervous if the same stats were holding true for folks on the freeway!

  4. Oh I did all my counting quite furtively, in acceptable New York fashion. Believe me, with my technique if I was cruising you, would never be able to tell. I just found those numbers interesting since we down here keep hearing about declining literacy in America.
    Glad you like the new icon!

  5. Thanks! I made it with my little photoshop and a bunch of clip art from Dover Books.

    And actually I’d be pretty darn nervous if the same stats were holding true for folks on the freeway!

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