A day at work where every little thing is unraveling – accepted students are declining, dates are getting changed and then are still problematic, no-none is home to answer phone calls. Quicksand. I think I need to go out and stroll around topside.
A couple of weeks ago I would have dealt with this with a big piece of cake of some kind.
Yikes. It will work out. It’s why we keep waiting lists.
Walking is good for stress. Take it from one who knows… Had to order new shoes today!
Odd that I should be lecturing on Nella Larsen’s Quicksand today…
Don’t fret.
And don’t eat cake – drink eater & chomp on a good head of iceberg lettuce.
hi I am new to LJ and was wondering if oyu would add me back ! If you could that wqould be great! ttylz
Hmm… what’s changed since a couple weeks ago? Maybe you can deal with the situation AND have the cake.
check my post from 4/12 – cake is pretty much out of the picture these days.
check my post from 4/12 – cake is pretty much out of the picture these days.
I apologize. I’ve been reading journals very sporadically lately. I’ll be responding to your entry from the 12th later from home…
no need to apologize at alll and I’m sorry if my response seemed a bit gruff. It wasn’t meant to be.
But I am simply shocked that you have not spent all your time keeping up with every intimate part of my journal! Anyone would think that you actually had a life to live! If it turns out that you do, I advise you to drop it at once and devote all your attention to me and my neuroses.
no need to apologize at alll and I’m sorry if my response seemed a bit gruff. It wasn’t meant to be.
But I am simply shocked that you have not spent all your time keeping up with every intimate part of my journal! Anyone would think that you actually had a life to live! If it turns out that you do, I advise you to drop it at once and devote all your attention to me and my neuroses.
Four days later:
Was I too late?
I promise I’ll have absolutely nothing to do in about a week and a half, so I’ll be devoting my life to your neuroses (EVERYONE’S neuroses) then!
Don’t fret – I really am not suffering the tortures of dieting – and my alluding to the cake solution was more indicative of the distance between then and now.
Meet you in a week and a half!
Don’t fret – I really am not suffering the tortures of dieting – and my alluding to the cake solution was more indicative of the distance between then and now.
Meet you in a week and a half!