“Cause you do it right….”

Someone around the office today has “Sexual Healing” as their mobile ring tone. It’s gone off three times so far.


  1. Someone left the lyrics to Sexual Healing as a comment on the reveiw of my exhibition on artforum.com! (with no explanation — well, maybe none needed).

  2. I’m embarrassed for them, given that almost by definition cell phone rings are going to be heard in public. But maybe the song has become such a chesnut that folks don’t even remember the sexual part.

  3. Heh — I think people pick songs they like without paying a lot of attention to whatever connotations they might have.

    My cell phone’s ringtone is A-Ha’s Take On Me for instance.

  4. I was thinking if I ever had a cell phone, I’d use the opening theme from Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells as its ringtone.

    People would hear this and back away slowly. Kind of like you’re doing right now.

  5. My buddy Jon programmed his phone with sound clips from South Park, so now his phone screams “Timmy!” or “Goddammit!” or “He’s doing something to his ass”.

  6. I so dread talking on the phone that any ring that is in the least jarring would be right out for me. I’d need a ringer that said “it’s ok” or “call back when you feel like it”

  7. my cellphone rings “Strangelove” by Depeche Mode, but i usually have it on silent mode.

    has a phone that can play MP3 files as ringtones, so he feeds it ambient sounds, such as birds chirping.

    Touch Records’ Touch Ringtones is a collection of ringtones composed by artists such as New Order, People Like Us, Wobbly, and Mika Vainio. interestingly, it was recorded and released before the technology in phones such as ‘s was availible.

  8. sorry, but I was online…

    I also don’t like phones. A big side benefit of using a modem was knowing no one could ring our number while I was online.

  9. I’m embarrassed for them, given that almost by definition cell phone rings are going to be heard in public. But maybe the song has become such a chesnut that folks don’t even remember the sexual part.

  10. South Puke – feh!

    Now, clips from Freakazoid! or Earthworm Jim or Biker Mice from Mars — those would be some damn cool ringtones.

    “Neato torpedo!” or “Son, you’re dumber than a bowl ‘o mice.”
    “It’s time to rock and ride!” or “Who will rid me of these vexatious vermin?!”

  11. I so dread talking on the phone that any ring that is in the least jarring would be right out for me. I’d need a ringer that said “it’s ok” or “call back when you feel like it”

  12. Well, either that or Laura Nyro’s «The Bells.»

    (Actually, the Originals did it first, but I still think of it as a Laura Nyro + Labelle tune, ’cause I heard it first, and know it mainly from Gonna take a miracle.)

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