Tomorrow begins today…

A blissful day in New York – The centerpiece? This afternoon I signed the lease on a new studio space in Greenpoint. Big charcoal drawings are on the way!

Scary as all lease signings are, this is a manageable rent on a modest space in a building with a number of fellow artists I really like.

The rest of the day was spent walking, walking and walking some more, through Greenpoint, Williamsburg and Soho and the Lower East Side, indulging myself in a few purchases and finding inspiration for a couple of projects.

The clean house leads to renewed work possibilities.Woo HOO!


  1. Bard finishes up this week, thank god. And I have officially informed them that next year I will be working two weeks – leaving two weeks free for the vacation pledge (wink, reminder).

    Believe me, your own chronicling of your studio experiences has served as a big inspiration.

  2. I well understand. And part of what has prodded me to do it is all the jealousy I had been feeling about my student’s spaces. Which is sick, given how tiny most of them are. But, now that you have the new apt. squared away, it may be time to start looking into studio possibilites.

  3. i really think my next vacation destination should be NYC

    i have never been and crave the experience of it, im sure it would inspire several written and painted pieces

  4. Bard finishes up this week, thank god. And I have officially informed them that next year I will be working two weeks – leaving two weeks free for the vacation pledge (wink, reminder).

    Believe me, your own chronicling of your studio experiences has served as a big inspiration.

  5. I well understand. And part of what has prodded me to do it is all the jealousy I had been feeling about my student’s spaces. Which is sick, given how tiny most of them are. But, now that you have the new apt. squared away, it may be time to start looking into studio possibilites.

  6. I want to get to New York, if only to see CBGBs (not (very) interested in having bears jump my bones – they’re fragile enough, given my lack of milk intake over the past 15 years, thank you 😉 ).

    What IS that picture? Some kind of watermelon s/m scene – it’s a bit too small for me to tell…

  7. Yay! Congratulations! This can only be a good thing.

    Sounds like someone needs to visit NYC.

    And may I add, nice choice of icons. [wipes drool off of keyboard]

  8. that’s great news! Maybe you’ll have an open studio soon. we can all bring canapes and other “feed the artist” goodies. and film it….

  9. I’ve been going to Greenpoint every winter for, well over 25 years now. I get one good Polish cooking fix and it lasts.

    Last night I was up at the other end of the G train for my cevapi fix – Bosnian cooking – then went to the Greeks for some serioius dessert. Just think, all the Balkans and some of the Carpathians too, all for one token. Ain’t the outer boroughs great?

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