See, I always heard that it was twice, and that it has to be the first words you utter after waking, in other words it doesn’t count if you wait until one minute after midnight on the day before.
I try to keep up with the “rabbit, rabbit” meditation. I can use all the luck I can find… not to mention the pesky need to keep unwanted pregnancy at bay!
Sorry that things seem rocky already. I empathize with that feeling.
On another note, I got the ICP catalogue in the mail today and I felt the urge to enroll in your critique seminar… or at least to be a fly on the wall. As I start to respond to my grad students’ work today, I feel the real need to think more broadly about the languages of response that I use.
you know I totally didn’t realize it until you wrote that.
I have so much to do before the end of the month!
summer, we hardly knew ya…
good luck with the start of school
How did this happen.
seeing the word, “egad,” in print has inexplicably filled me with glee. glee, I tell you.
My birthday month! Hee!
“September Morn”
I’ll pose
*rubbing head where lump from dropping hint is rising*
*kisses the lump to make it better*
First of the month means don’t forget to say “Rabbit! Rabbit! Rabbit!” three times fast for good luch.
What puzzle you are – sometimes so easy to please, sometimes so difficult.
Re: Yeah…
I blame the liberals in the media.
Actually it was your posting of “rabbit rabbit” that reminded me this morning.
Thanks for the good wishes, I have to say that it’s already feeling rocky.
See, I always heard that it was twice, and that it has to be the first words you utter after waking, in other words it doesn’t count if you wait until one minute after midnight on the day before.
Oh, crap! I think you’re right. Damn, I have to wait another month (again!) to get it right!
I try to keep up with the “rabbit, rabbit” meditation. I can use all the luck I can find… not to mention the pesky need to keep unwanted pregnancy at bay!
Sorry that things seem rocky already. I empathize with that feeling.
On another note, I got the ICP catalogue in the mail today and I felt the urge to enroll in your critique seminar… or at least to be a fly on the wall. As I start to respond to my grad students’ work today, I feel the real need to think more broadly about the languages of response that I use.
Being sandwiched between this icon and is making me feel so…sweaty…
I am hardly an enigma. I can be won over with a candybar and a kind word.
Mine too!
Hee hee!
Re: Yeah…
I blame my mom.