A while ago here I was railing about being asked to contribute art to fundraisers. Currently, the fates have been delighting in taking whatever I complain about and shoving it in my face and making me like it. So now I get to tell you about how happy I am that I’m being asked to participate in the following:
I love vinyl toys, love going into kid robot and have always pouted internally when I’ve seen an event like this organized: “Why don’t I ever get asked to do fun stuff like this?”
So now I have been asked. A blank Munny is winging it’s way here for me to decorate. Proceeds from the sale go to Katrina Relief.
So that’s what I get for crabbing.
That’s COOL! Make sure you share your finished results with us.
Very cool.
I wonder what it takes to design for Bearbrick figures…?
Congratulations! It looks like a lot of fun. Can we see your creation when it’s complete?
Interesting… I never knew there was such an abundance of toys of that nature. Thanks for the eye opening…
contradictions are the texture of living.
have fun playing with your munny.
that sounds dirty!
It takes a lot more juice in that world than I currently have, that’s for sure. I have been working for the past few years to get a self protrait action figure made. That’s tough enough.
To my mind some of the best sculpture made today is being made in the toy world…
Oh my I do love Kid Robot. your munny will be awesome
Will yours come with mystery accessories or do you get to make your own?
Can’t wait.
I wanna go and take a picture of you with Elizabeth Berkeley.
so being crabby is the road to happiness? I knew I was on the right track…
wow, congratulations,very fucking cool
my Kaws companions, Kozik bunnies and Seen monsters sit proudly on my desk – I love that knd of stuff
you have to share it with us
and the action figure will be great
in fact, a whole series of action figures…all with beards really should be brought out…
surely theres enough bears out there with money and skill do do bear action figures by now, I meaneveryone bought the billy dolls surely bears would buy bears?
too right.
I even thought of buying one of those Billy doll ones and customising it.
Better post a pic of my Sean Connery action figure…