Some times the day…

just gets away from you…

Work is taking up more time than it should.

So here’s a time waster: Diana Eng’s blog:

I’m concerned that not enough people on my friends list are talking about Project Runway


  1. OiNK! night at the Cattyshack is now starting the evening with a screening of Project Runway. I realize this may be the only way we can get you to a leather bar.

  2. i’m not even sure what Project Runway is. i’ve heard people mention it as a fasion show of sorts. is it like America’s Next Top Model? that show i found terribly addictive

  3. egads, i’m just the opposite. i wish all my faggy friends would shut up about project runway!

    i stopped watching this season already. andre gave me the willies after that ridiculous 5-hanky weepfest, and santino just makes me nauseous. the girls, are there girls? they haven’t made much of an impression. i liked that guy from season one who came back. well, his clothes i mean.

    listen to me, nattering on about nothing.

    in your honor, because of the bunny suit thing, my icon will be the “disguise” i wear in publicity pics: the gorilla suit. and always worn with chanel sandals.

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