…of Art.
I’ve made no secret of the fatc that I tend to stay away from the current artworld in most of it’s manifestations. I do it for a number of reasons but this weekend I thought “why the fuck do I do that? Am I really so fragile that I can’t stand exposure to other people’s silliness?” And so In the last few days I have traipsed all around Manhattan acting my part as a professional artist. Here’s what I did in brief – more detail to come: Thursday night: Openings of ICP/Bard’s MFA show and also the survey of new African Photography at ICP. Friday Night: Opening of Fischli and Weiss, and Nan Goldin at Matthew Marks, with dinner afterwards in the meat packing district. Saturday: drawing at home for a while. Sunday: Trip to the PULSE fair, an art fair that got it’s start as the alternative to Basel/Miami and is now settting itself up as the alternative to the Armory fair (ironically, the Armory fair used to be called the Gramercy Fair and was held in the Gramercy Hotel on the ame weekend as the big Art dealers association fair which was held in an Armory uptown on Lexington, then the Gramercy moved to an Armory on 26th and Lexington, gained its present name and then moved out to Piers on 50th and 11th. This year PULSE was held in the Armory on 26). Then off to the Armory fair. Then down to Orchard street to attend two different openings both with old friends. Sunday was pretty much 8 solid hours of art consumption. As i said -more details to come.
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