It involved me talking, and talking with a student from the Bard summer program. She had received a public commission in Brooklyn, and was losing herself in it, unable to resolve things, and refusing to give up her first assumptions. We went around and around about what she could do. At every turn she was despairing, and I was frustrated. I woke up weary for a few seconds and then collapsed back into bed reminding myself that it was just a dream.
The good news is that the dream began with me in a sort of homespun museum/art gallery/joke shop filled with the chatty folk art of a pair of extremely kinky people: as if Howard Finster was a latex loving crossdresser from South Dakota.
If it wasn’t clear where my sympathies lay, I read this this morning and it it made me chuckle into my coffee:
Some people imagine that the Aquarian Age, if it ever kicks in, will be an airy-fairy affair, rife with crystal healings and dolphin channeling. We’ll be surrounded by neo-hippie do-gooders who spread sentimental love. But that’s all wrong. The real Aquarian Age will bring a revolution in our political and economic structures, fueled by the Internet and other technologies. There’ll be intelligent machines with whom we’ll develop complex relationships. Sexual identities will mutate and expand, leading to at least seven distinct genders, and there’ll be a host of new ways to experience erotic pleasure. Advances in anti-aging research, nanotechnology, and genetic manipulation will mutate many ideas about what it means to be human. You are by no means obligated to be on the front lines of this revolution, Aquarius. But if you do feel inclined to hang out there, 2007 will be the most adventurous year of your life so far.
from Free Will astrology for the week of Jan. 4, 2007
I’m not waiting for the stars’ permission to seek adventure, since, as all my rational friends know, astrology is the bunk. But I pretty much approve of all those outcomes and the closing months of 2006 have shown me that adventure is always possible. On Saturday night an old friend said to me, in response to me telling her what was going on with me these days, that she was astonished with the way I lived my life. I think that she meant that in a good way. Yesterday, the thought came to me that I’ve never had a self definition that I didn’t want to over turn. So maybe that’s the message of my dreams: live happily in the wacked-out roadside museum of my life, or frustrate myself trying to argue others out of their rigidities.
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