Got to spend some time face to face with art_thirst. He got the preview of the show (just two more things to do! I know, I know I should be doing them). And we spend a bit of time checking things out in Chelsea. Be fore I met up with him I was thinking that I would treat myself to a piece of pie and so I went over to the Little Pie Company on West 14th, only to find that it and the Bodum store and a couple of others have shuttered their doors. Does this mean that we are now seeing the newest wave of gentrification in the meat packing district, where the only retailers who can survive are the ultra luxury ones or the huge corporate ones? I went into the new Apple store there and it was packed, like mobbed. And it creeped me out. How many more people need ipods?
Getting to spend quality time with someone as thoughtful and open as Onajide’ did a lot to put me back on an even keel.
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